Mother's Korean Barbecue

My husband and I have been together for ten years.  We are high school sweet hearts.  We had an instant connection and were drawn to each other like magnets when we met in the cafeteria those ten years ago.  We fell in love when we realized we could be goofy and weird together.  Instead of going to the prom we watched all of star wars.  My mother told me I would regret not going to my prom – I don’t and never will.  We have similar interests – we both love traveling, the outdoors, experiencing new things, and not fitting the mold.  Since that time in the cafeteria those ten years ago we’ve gone to college, graduated, got a job, got married, bought a house, and then a dog. So when we found ourselves stuck in a routine of go to work in a grey box, come home, make dinner, feed dog, walk dog, do chores, watch TV, go to bed, then repeat – we realized we were unhappy.  We needed a change.  We needed to be those people we fell in love with years ago.  The ones with hopes and dreams of seeing the world and experiencing new things.

Just Some Of Our Stuff
Some of the stuff we realized that we could live without.
Just Some More Of Our Stuff
Even more stuff (say “Hi” to Belle!).

This is the part where we’ve gone to plaid (Mel Brooks fans will understand).  After some talk we decided to pack up in a couple of boxes the things that mean anything to us and store it, sell all the rest of our stuff, and then travel Europe for a year. So now our house is in disarray from packing and selling all our things.  Most everyone looks at us as if we have gone nuts, but all of them say “I am jealous, I wish I could go.”  The secret is that you can, you just have to be willing to take a risk.  That is what we are doing, taking a risk, and sharing it here on this blog.

So, take the poll below and post your feedback in the comments to let us know what you think. We’ll let everyone know the results soon.

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